What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive, unreasonable thoughts, impulses and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviours (compulsions). With obsessive-compulsive disorder, you may realize that your obsessions aren’t reasonable, and you may try to ignore them or stop them. But that only increases your distress and anxiety. Ultimately, you feel driven to perform compulsive acts in an effort to ease your stressful feelings.
Wanting to have your life in order, making sure your house is clean and tidy, double checking your work or even being a perfectionist can all be considered normal activity for most people and are not necessarily a sign that you have OCD.
The problems come when the thoughts and compulsions are starting to become unwanted and uncontrollable, can cause tremendous distress, cost you a lot of time and money and dramatically affect your quality of life, relationships and daily routines.
Can people with OCD be cured?
You can click on many of the top mental health web sites, and what is common is a general idea that OCD cannot be fully cured and that it would take a combination of drugs and other therapies to even get you to manage the disorder.
We however, are much more optimistic than that!
In a 2008 survey done by Neuroptimal, reporting on trainers that have combined over 1.2 million sessions; Neuroptimal was reported to be dramatically more effective than Prozac according to the clients.
After 20 sessions, the clients reported 39% in the “much improvement’ and 39% in the “very much improvement.” One third of the trainers reported that the majority of their clients (over 60%) showed 100% improvement.
“This degree of efficacy would be considered in the realm of the miraculous in a traditional medical model world, confirming the high quality training offered by Neuroptimal. In Fact, Neuroptimal users frequently see changes that are considered impossible within traditional practice models.”
~ Zengar Survey 2009
Though Neuroptimal is not used to diagnose or treat disorders, what is found is that after the brain is trained, the symptoms of disorders and troubles start to disappear.
But we understand that each person is unique and complex, so our counselling therapies also include looking at the person in a complete picture. We often take a Bio/psycho/social approach to each individual, offering every person the best advantages for a healthy and free life.
There is a way to gain back your life from OCD – Let today be another toward life free from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Call Ken today at 778-846-3569 to learn about your options.